I just had a look at the live images from our office TV set, which we had newly purchased given the circumstances (we have had enough of always being last to know). Here are some of our first reactions, reiterated every two seconds:
- woooooooooooooooooow! Ya latif! C'est quoi ça? mish tabi3i! where did all those people come from? Seriously, where would anyone see massive crowds, thronging streets from one end to another, cheering for the President of another country? Pffffffff! Yalla, back to work... I wonder how I'll manage to go home in two hours...
Hey Farooha,
It's strange, because Lebanese people abroad, and people watching us through the media outlets, tend to magnify the whole picture. But the truth is that all protests so far remain peaceful ones, and a healthy way to express our opinion. so, no need to worry concerning security issues.