هنا، ألوذ في هدأة هذا الليل براحةٍ من قيظ النّهار. هنا، أحوك في الفكر خواطر، وأولّد على الشّفة بنات. هنا، ابتسامات حنين ترجّع صدى طفولةٍ نائية، وقصص حبّ طواها الزّمن. هنا، حلمٌ بغدٍ أجمل
الثلاثاء، آب ١٥، ٢٠٠٦
ما تسألني
ولمّا تسألني، رح خبرك عن مرجوحة، كان ممكن تكون إلنا... واتنين، كان ممكن يكونوا نحنا... قاعدين فيها بلا ما نحكي، إنت لبعيد عم تتطلّع وأنا مش عم بتطلّع بشي...
لمّا تسألني، رح خبرك إنّو بطّل فيك تجي لعنّا... عند اللي كان ممكن يكون "عنّا"... مش لأنّو بيّي بعيّط عليّ، ولا لأنّو الجيران بيحكوا علينا، ولا عشان المرجوحة اللي بتْزَيْزِئ باللّيل...
Hi Eve, Remember few months ago I mentioned to you that I am taking my family to visit Lebanon... well, we did, and it was one of our best vacations up until the 12th, the day the war started.
We were able to get out on the 18th, my fleeing route included Syria, Jordan, & France before hitting US soil.
Our kids had a blast, they are speaking Arabic now (well, few words), and guess what... My wife and I were two of the very few lucky people who got to see Fairuz live for one show, ironically, it was also on the evening of 12th, in Baalbeck, the city of the sun.
I am still watching TV about 7 hours every night to keep up with what is going on back home, flipping from one channel to another just to get a glimpse of a place we'd visited or a street that we'd walked on... I can't help it... I feel so bad that I had to leave so many loved ones behind.
Anomymous, Khay! I'm so glad you made it! I thought this war would have changed your plans, bass 3an jad you made me very happy!! you'll come back, sah?
Aladdin, allah yesma3 minnak
yaser, thank you, nawwaret.
Adam, ahla w sahla, thx you.
Ibn Abdel Aziz, very good lebanese kamein :) yalla, natrinak.
Re :"Ibn Abdel Aziz, very good lebanese kamein :) yalla, natrinak. " Well, i speak palestanian fluently since i was in Kuwait ..lebnayny , ya3ny 3al 2ad :)
Looking forward to visiting Lebanon inshallah , i am making a budget study as we speak.
Firstly, i would like to congratulate you for winning the war... Though it does not sound apealing to me congratulations ba3d elly 7asal.. b ba3d ma 7assieto b takhazol el 7okoomat el 3arabeyya... 7aga te2ref like we say in Egypt...
and i would like to tell you the this post reminded me of Reemi Bandaly's song "عطونة الطفولة"
يالله يا ايف شو بحب اقرالك
بعرف انه الكتابة احيانا بتكون وجع بس بترجاكي لا تطولي بين بوست والتاني لاني عم اشتقلك