هنا، ألوذ في هدأة هذا الليل براحةٍ من قيظ النّهار. هنا، أحوك في الفكر خواطر، وأولّد على الشّفة بنات. هنا، ابتسامات حنين ترجّع صدى طفولةٍ نائية، وقصص حبّ طواها الزّمن. هنا، حلمٌ بغدٍ أجمل
أريج غُربة

ولمّا سألني عن حبّي الأوّل، أدركتُ أنّني لم أعد أذكر تضاريس وجهك... وأنّ كتفك لو اصطدمت صدفةً بكتفي، لالتفتُّ إليك وسط جموع المتسوّقين، ومنحتك ابتسامةً معتذرة... لأسرعتُ الخطى كي أخطف ذاك الفستان الأحمر في الواجهة، وأنا لا أدري أنّني، ذات يومٍ، كنت قد وشوشت لوردةٍ، تشبه هذي، عن حروف اسمك.

ولمّا سألني عن حبّي الأوّل، ابتسمتُ وقلت عيونك الزّرق لون طيشي.

ولمّا سألني، نبشتُ اسمك من زمنٍ آخر وأغلقت على الوردة المتفتّحة أناملي.

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٥:٤٨ ص, Blogger _z. said…

    is it because he is too overwhealming for you to remember anything in the past?
    too intense, you lost your memory of things... and people?
    if this is the case, then enjoy this moment. Otherwise... don't ever forget anything! no matter how bad you think it was.

    nice post eve... kal 3adah.

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٦:٣٣ ص, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    HI EVE .. once i read a qoute saying :
    forgive your enemies but never forget there names !!

    no .. i am not saying here that the past love returns to be an enemy after that !!, but i am saying this just as a hint in relations ,

    u know eve its not about the first love ,its about real love when its from the heart. we always pretend that its gone the feelings of the past love , but suddenly it returns even for seconds to shread the whole into fragile pieces , even if we pretend to forget we'll remember :P ((ya3 tekon el 3afyeh !!))

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ١٠:٢٥ ص, Blogger Hashem said…

    هي: وهل يهمّك بحبي الأول؟
    هو: لا. إنما يهمني حبك الأخير

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ١٠:٤٥ ص, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    Oscar Wilde once said:"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead."

    After the beautiful post, I ask you keep your first love in ur heart even if the physical image was lost in the traffic of memories.
    First love is the small bud that blooms to be your current and everlasting one.

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ١١:٢٣ ص, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    sa3be el wa7ad yensa kel shi 100%.
    bnshouf ktir w bnlta2a b nes ktir, w yemkin yro7o w yeflou, bas ra7 yeb2o zekra mkhabeye b keteb el nesyen... bntzakaron b eshya basita yemkin tmro2 b 7ayetna. aw tmro2 b a7lemna...


  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ١:٠٣ م, Blogger Mar said…

    Tadarees wejo btroo7 w bteje fakarit inno 7fezzta bass 3am shik b hal shi.
    Ba3dak alif... ba3do zarif... mitel el kharif

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ١:١٨ م, Blogger Eve said…

    it's like when Fairuz sang "bass halla2 ma betzakkar shakel wijjak.. bass bezkor addeish kan alif"
    those words started to make sense aktar after that.
    what you said can be true, maybe it's a subconscious thing, and maybe because it's just not that important after all.

    i wouldnt call anyone an ennemy in this case. it's just life; you go through different phases, and with each new one, you feel like you've never lived the old one before; that you don't recognize the person that you were five or six years ago.

    ma 2eltelleh shu ra2yak bil soura :) ?

    It has the savor of impulsiveness and sweet foolishness. first loves are always like that, they remind you of what you're not anymore; and maybe that's why you have to forget about them. btw, you need to start naming yourself, my anonymous commentor :)

    maybe i forgot the face but i surely havent forgotten the feeling and that's what counts. thank you :)

    yes, it makes u sometimes wonder when the face completely disappeared, and would u have done anything about it, or just let it go? weird feeling..

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٢:٤٧ م, Blogger Khaled said…

    النسيان من أكثر الأشياء إفادة في الحياة... بيشفي كل الجروح, و بيساعد في رسم البسمة في أصعب الأوقات...
    النسيان مفيد!

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٤:١٢ م, Blogger Angelus said…

    des roses rouges pour la forme, il ne manque que des violettes pour que le tableau soit parfait, au fait.... tu avais raison pour les mains;)

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٥:٣٥ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    RE :
    ((((((MY FIRST LOVE ))))))
    I think that I saw her …
    She looked gorgeous, more than ever before ..
    I shuffled , the time stopped for a second ,memories passed by so quick
    Wanted to shout by her name,or to turn my head to the other side which to pick ??
    She looks different ,or the time made me forget her character details
    She didn’t notice me ,didn’t feel me ,cuz am from the past .
    Walk in peace ,continue your way I wont stop you
    The times when you used to sleep tight next to me ran away
    Both we are strangers now ,hope that you are satisfied .!!

    mm eve what do u think??

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٧:٢٢ م, Blogger linda said…

    كلمات رائعة تدخلني الي غمامة ناعمة مليئة بالصفاء

    تحياتي لك

  • At ٢٣/٩/٠٦ ٩:٣٩ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    Hi Eve yes3ed aw2atak habibte ,Ramadan Mubarak 3al jami3 enshallah :)w kel sene w ento bi 1000 kheir
    lama 2rit ur poste ballashet es2al 7ale ,eza ana fe3lan nsit el7ob el awal w ejet 3a bele gheniyet julia (el70b el awal ) sar albe youja3ne ktir w z3elet 3a 7ale deyman el benet bi awal tajerbe lama tefshal betsir tloum 7ala w ted7ak 3a 7ala enna nesyet w ma t2azet w eno alba maftou7 ktir 3al 7ayet w ma fi shi bihemma bas wen el 7a2i2a men kel haydol ma 7ada bya3ref 7atta hiye ma bta3ref eza ra7 terja3 t7eb metel awal marra 7abet aw eza ra7 terja3 ten7abb metel awal marra
    enshallah ma 7ada youja3o albo w enshallah kel el nes y3isho bi 7ob w 3ala 7ob metel ma lezem w a7san :)

  • At ٢٤/٩/٠٦ ١٢:٤٧ م, Blogger Eve said…

    ma fi shak :)

    qu'avais-je dit a propos des mains? :)

    I think this happens more than we know. I love what you wrote!

    شكراً لك، وأهلا وسهلا فيك

    ramadan kareem la 2ilek kamein. ma tinseh what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. salemet albek ya benet :)

  • At ٢٤/٩/٠٦ ٨:٣٥ م, Blogger arch.memory said…

    Yay, ya Eve! I think you stole the words from my heart-mind (and perhaps everybody's) and gave them better shape than I could ever articulate! The obsolescence of those things that once meant so much to us, the full circle: from strangers to strangers…

    It reminded me of that passage from Kundera’s “The Book of Laughter and Forgetting” where the protagonist is describing how, over time, she forgot the features of her dead husband, how the details of his face started to blur and dissolve until there was nothing there but a generic face that could have been anyone’s…

  • At ٢٤/٩/٠٦ ٨:٥٢ م, Blogger Muhammad Aladdin said…

    الله يا إيفو

  • At ٢٤/٩/٠٦ ٨:٥٦ م, Blogger Unknown said…

    ya 7abeebte you're still young and have years of teish ahead :)
    i loved it eve, so real

  • At ٢٥/٩/٠٦ ١١:٠٧ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    that is so real as Mirvat said
    when you are asked about your 1st love
    im not sure there is much after that other than repeating steps & changing faces
    trying to avoide the past mistakes & hoping to forget everyday

  • At ٣٠/٩/٠٦ ٧:٤٤ ص, Blogger LAMIA MAHMOUD said…

    تعتقدي ممكن نسيان الحب الاول بالسهولة دي .. انا معتقدش

  • At ٩/١٠/٠٦ ١٢:٥٩ ص, Blogger aMiR-El ZaLaM said…

    LAMIA MAHMOUD said...
    تعتقدي ممكن نسيان الحب الاول بالسهولة دي .. انا معتقدش

    ولا أنا...

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