هنا، ألوذ في هدأة هذا الليل براحةٍ من قيظ النّهار. هنا، أحوك في الفكر خواطر، وأولّد على الشّفة بنات. هنا، ابتسامات حنين ترجّع صدى طفولةٍ نائية، وقصص حبّ طواها الزّمن. هنا، حلمٌ بغدٍ أجمل
الجمعة، كانون الثاني ٠٥، ٢٠٠٧
أنت بردي وسلامي
قرعت الأرض بقدمي، وصرخت بأنّني أكرههم جميعاً. جميعاً. واحداً واحداً. بتعابيرهم الزّائفة وابتساماتهم الكاذبة وطريقتهم حين يتودّدون إليّ بعد نميمة. إغغغغغغغغغغغغغغغغ..... لو أنّنيفقط أستطيع أن...!!
لكنّك سحبتني من ذراعي واحتضنتني. قبّلتني على جبيني وقلتَ: أنظري إلى السّماء.
Every time i read your posts I think... I love it more than the one before, but then.. you amaze me with another post that is outrageously jaw-dropping! I guess all I want to say is, Great job!
يـــــاة بتعرفي انه هالموقف صار معي!؟ في احدى المظاهرات على حاجز الرام في القدس وقف الجنود بصف واحد امامنا وعندها اجتاحتني نوبه غضب... ثوره... اعرف ماذا وبدات اصرخ في وجوههم انني اكرههم قتله وكنت اعبر اتنقل بين ابتساماتهم القاتله ... وازداد غضبا ..فسحبتني الى حضنها وقالت تعال ...شوف السما شكلها رح تشتي!
Either there is a great number of those hypocrytic people around you; in this case,you need to be more careful in choosing your friends in the future. or you are a paranoid person and think that all people around you talk badly in your back ;), Do you hear sounds?hahahahaha
lovely text Eve. and yeah some people are just too much! anonymous 12:31, and either you are just another pathetic loser who is desperately aiming at being funny.
Yo Anonymous why r u so jealous dude, or dudette or whatever?? And btw EVE I'm w8ing for ur next post!! come on post one for god's sake!!! i need my drugs!!! :@ :@ :@ ;)
Well, Fatfat behaved normally... I would be angry at God too if he took one of my loved ones... Why should i pray to him? But that's when i was young, and use to believe that God had something to do with it. Now, if something like this happens, I won't be angry, cause i freed God of this. My God, if he exists, is just there... he doesn't do anything.
Ba3dain, so what if he was a communist? Communism, in theory is great, especially to young idealists. In practice it's not. But so is everything else. Even Shari3a laws, in a utopian world, would be great. But they don't work in practice.
And as Amal said he went to Hajj with his family, so we don't know what his convictions are, maybe he was a non believer and then believed . Is it bad for a person to change there beliefs? must we all be born a certain way and stay that way? Why do we CARE?
Ofcourse he has to pray behind the mufti... Do u think that any politician in the Arab world dares to say that they are Atheists? Or that they don't believe in praying? Unfortunately, the Arab world, and most of the rest of the world, is not ready for politicians who don't believe in "God". The Mufti to most people, like the Batrak, is a political/religious figure. Most people can't separate between ethics and religion. An agnostic or an atheist is a heathen and therefore, un ethical, and devilish and in general a "Bad" person. When Hizballa changes there leader from a Shaikh, to a regular politician, so that he's not deified, only then will the rest of the March 14th gang get rid of there shaikhs/priests. Until then, we are ALL behind the mufti... mal batata bidda batata.
كل مرة اقرالك, ابقى عايزة اكتبلك, و الاقينى مش عارفة اقول ايه
المرو دى برضه مش عارفة اقولك ايه , بس اصريت اكتبلك عشان تعرفى انى لما اقرالك, باعيش حالة غريبة و حلوة