هنا، ألوذ في هدأة هذا الليل براحةٍ من قيظ النّهار. هنا، أحوك في الفكر خواطر، وأولّد على الشّفة بنات. هنا، ابتسامات حنين ترجّع صدى طفولةٍ نائية، وقصص حبّ طواها الزّمن. هنا، حلمٌ بغدٍ أجمل
الجمعة، تشرين الأول ٢٠، ٢٠٠٦
شو هالطقس العاطل
- قال شو في شي لونه أخضر، وبيضلو طالع نازل، طالع نازل؟
- طب شو في شي لونه أصفر وخطييييير؟
- وشو في شي لونه أسود ومش خطير؟
بقى يا جماعة، اللي بيحزر الأجوبة على هالأسئلة "التّعجيزية"، بيربح شي... ما عندي أدنى فكرة شو هوّ.
يلا وهيدي نكتة اليوم عالبيعة:
قال مرّة النّملة أخدت الفيل لتعرّفه عأهلها. فرفض بيّ النّملة العريس، وبلّش "نو واي! الجوازة دي مش ممكن تتمّ!" وقصص وخبريّات. فما كان من محسوبتكم النّملة إلا إنها حطّت إيدها على بطنها وخدوا ولولة: "طب شو بعمل بالفيل اللي ببطني؟؟!"
As for the questions, I'll take a shot. Hala2 bitshoofi bayakha!
The yellow light in a traffic light is khateeeeer.
Eggplant "batinjan" is black ou mannu khateer abadan. I love it.
Now, green tali3 ou nazill, I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is your blog's background. It keeps going up and down as people scroll through it while reading ;) Baykha ma haik?
- قال شو في شي لونه أخضر، وبيضلو طالع نازل، طالع نازل؟ i think its a beautiful lady green eyes looking around cuz people are starring in her eyes :)
- طب شو في شي لونه أصفر وخطييييير؟ fire when it burns after leaving a cigarette out of ashtray ;0
- وشو في شي لونه أسود ومش خطير؟
the black nights color , no need to panic from ,meditation is the best thing u have to do to relax ;)
(((((((((Aliens Attack ))))))))))
President Dubya was awakened one night by an urgent call from the Pentagon. "Mr. President," said the four-star general, barely able to contain himself, "there's good news & bad news."
"Oh, no," muttered the President, "Well, let me have the bad news first."
"The bad news, sir, is that we've been invaded by creatures from another planet."
"Gosh, and the good news?"
"The good news, sir, is that they eat reporters and pee oil."
I remember; back then, we were kids still. We sat in that school library and read books about old jokes. I remember there was this joke about villagers having a competition on who can eat the largest quantity of onions. they ate and ate, until one just couldn't handle it: he fainted at onion number 99. an old lady was passing by, so she recommended: let him sniff an onion. I think he died the minute after. but most of all, I remember how we spent long minutes trying to decipher this phrase: "sham... sham.. what's that!... shamem.. ahhhhhhh.. shammemmouh basleh!" and despite how lame and how stupid the joke was, i remember how we burst into laughing. we laughed and laughed until we got tears in our eyes.. until that mean librarian kicked us out!"
i adore the fil and namleh jokes. and i never remember any jokes, so it 's always a treat to hear them....:) (i think Eve invented #2 and #3... ma hek?)
malheureusement je connais les réponses, mais wallah c lahchouma de répondre, mais bon: la première c'est de la morve!!! dans un nez.....: et la deuxième c'est un poussin avec une mitraillette.... pour la troisième je sèche!!! a+
HAHHAHAHAAAAA nice joke. shu ha namleh hayde, la72et tfa2es min el bayda!
Bnsbi lal 7azazir! 1. the flag of Harket Amal. 2. the flag of Hezeb allah. 3. hayde el rayeh el bayda li byrfa3oha lama el wa7ad bado ystaslem! bass al shu 2al,, bel ghalat mlawnina bel aswad..! ***
ma khasni b siyese, bass ma ba3ref lesh khataro 3a beli hawdi,, el 7a2 3alyki ya eve, ebe2i na2i alwen tenye ta nlatesh el kel 3an janeb w taraf LOL...
shu el je2zeh la yali byerba7? safra 3a paris? aw shi kam 1000$ dollar 3al meshi? aw Hmmmmm! shwat2ina na3ref :P ;)
eve can you link this or point to it in a short post? http://lebanonheartblogs.blogspot.com/2006/10/new-website.html we want as many people to see it as possible. thanks :)
غادة، ما تخلي حدا يقلك عن حاجة إنها خطأ، إذا انت مقتنعة انها صح :) خالد، هاها، حبيتها! وانت بخير يا رب. ماكسد آوت: جداً المتشائل، معليش، ما فيش عادات ما بتتغيرش
thanks for your pleasant comments & jokes, you guys ;)
ok...first one is "7abbet" zaytoun (olive) in an elevator!
2nd and third things....no idea at all!
thanx for a laugh at the morning :)