هنا، ألوذ في هدأة هذا الليل براحةٍ من قيظ النّهار. هنا، أحوك في الفكر خواطر، وأولّد على الشّفة بنات. هنا، ابتسامات حنين ترجّع صدى طفولةٍ نائية، وقصص حبّ طواها الزّمن. هنا، حلمٌ بغدٍ أجمل
الخميس، كانون الثاني ١٨، ٢٠٠٧
طرق مختلفة لاستخدام كلمة "حبيبي":
1- حبيبي، شو بعدك ناطر، تأخّرنا. عجّلك باللّبس شوي. صار لك ساعة قدّام المراية!
2- يا حبيبي! إنو هيدا اللي كان ناقصني حتّى يكمل نهاري!
3- أ. أبو أكرم كيفك؟ ب. أهلاااااااً خيّي بو ملحم. مشتاقين والله. أ. يخليلي ياك. ب. حبيبي!
4- حبيبي، خلصوا الدّفاتر وما قدرت قلّك شي. حنيني مجنون مسافر والزّمان الغريب بدربو ماشي...
5- لك انقبر تعا لهون وْلاااا! شو منّك عارف حالك مع مين عم تحكي حبيبي!!!
6- "لا يخيفني الموت ولكن تقتلني دمعة أمي" "شوي شوي يا حبّوب، لا تسرع الموت أسرع" "حبيبي إغسلني أرجوك"
- طب وإنتِ كيف بتقولي حبيبي؟ - هممم... كيف بدّي قلّك... بتعرفي غنيّة فيروز؟ لمّا تقول: "حبيبييييي... تإقدر ناااام" - إيه. "شو بخاف..." - دقّ عليك وما لاقيك... - اسم الله! إنت بتنغميله "حبيبييييي" وهو بردّ عليك "تإقدر نااااام"! - شو بحس الليلة صعبة.. بسمعها ضربة ضربة... - طيّب طيّب. ما بقى تغنّي. - يا رييييييت بيتك كان منّو بعيد.. شو بكِ؟.. والباب حدّ البيت مش حديد... - عم فكّر كيف بدّي صير غنّج جوزي... "حبيبي قرّب بصّ وبصّ فتح الخضرجي. بشرفك انزل جبلي بندورة وخيار!"
Seriously..Please..kilkoun.. been reading those blogs for a couple of weeks...and don't you all have anything a bit more interesting to do...I mean for God's sake, there's a lot more to life then sitting infront of a F*** screen and telling people what the hell you did that day and your slept with and who your with now and on and on and on and on....Find some other passion that will allow you to go to sleep at night and not say to yourself "OK...time for bed, blog is updated"....Seriously please...ma3lesh khalinee koun saree7a, this was good when the war was on, venting and sharing memories...bas this HAS BECOME BORING....!!!! Get a life!!! Get something!!!!
There is a solution for that. Don't open any site that ends with blogspot.com. Trust me, no one will force you to. We may miss you a bit, but we'll live.
Hassan, we're trying, we're trying, ma 3endak ashal min fairouz wlo?
Khawwta, هيدي عندها نغمة خاصة فيها مزيج من المحن والدلع والنق ووووو.. it never fails ;)
Failasoof, lek rou7 allah yesma3 minnak :pp
t.r. oh i remember u, its not ur first time here. hows the weather in canada? okay, now, baddeh minnek tekhdeh nafas 3ameeee2. mesheh? now, another one. slowww and easyyy. al 3asafirou touzakzikou wal sama2ou toushrikou. ok? now close that window, sit back on the couch, and lets resume therapy.
Abdou, مزبوط أنا بكره الماسنجر من هالناحية، حقل خصب لسوء التفاهم. بس أنا ما عم بحكي عنه بهالبوست. هيدي محادثة بين شخصين متواجدين بنفس الغرفة :)
t.r.: I fully support you. I try to go through some of the blogposts to learn something new, this happens rarely. Don't worry about arrogant Eve, Hassan or m., and by the way I can totally understand that Eve answers t.r., but it is ridiculous to see other people responding to her. I think I should agree with the fact that m. means "merde"....now take a deep breath Eve before you wipe this comment, and continue the therapy for your arrogance.
لعصبة البلوجات الملعونة و الشاشات الملعونة، سواء للمجهول الأول، أو المجهول الثاني: الغريب يا صاح انك تقضي ذات الوقت امام ذات الشاشة الملعونة لا لاشئ سوى للخراء.. :)
w ana ra2yeh 3ala 2awlit "amal" "ma fi 2a2rab min hal bab" w ana ra2yeh mish bass tsakkro ya majahil el windows bal aydan tssakro temmkon w kel manafez el zeft yalli tale3 menkon RAT
Eve, arrogance hits again. You cannot help it; it is a second nature. You cannot accept a criticism, seems all the back patting made you believe that you are a big deal. Honey, sorry to burst your bubble..you are not. Your pathetic answer for the other anonymous was patheic..you always try to ascribe things to early childhood...seems you are still stuck in that period of your life and thinks that everyboddy is...wake up "habibti" or go to sleep since it is late night in your side of the world....
hahahahahah it seems that there are lots of "jelous" ppl from you eve! They are just sitting on their butts in the middle of the day doing nothing but waiting for your reply to their silly comments. And they don't even have the guts to state their name (as if it is too hard to know who are they :p)
eve that was hilarious! i'm not sure whether there's a polite way to ask anonymous to fuck off. what do you think? and why are they (he/she/it) so obsessed with you :)
Ya Eve, how many times do I have to tell you to turn on your spam machine?
Haram hayda "anonymous"... vociferating and spewing hatred but scared shitless of signing his name. You know what they say, "empty barrels make the most noise".
Habibi anonymous, didn't mommy teach you that it's of very bad taste to hang your dirty laundry in public? Keep your personal vendettas personal, ok habibi?
To Eve, I am anonymous because you don't know me. I hope you will not treat me like the other anonymous persons. I have a sincere advise for you: When have a blogpost, you should'nt expect only praise, but some may criticize the post. I think you should respect all the point of views and not to answer back aggressively. Guests to your blog are like guests to your home; must be treated respecfully. You shouldn't allow any guest to answer or attack another guest and you should ask them not to do so. please take my advice as a sister. To all guest bloggers: please refrain from attacking other guests' opinions. it is considered a disrespect for the blog owner to do so. You are a guest and must behave with grace and respect. Hope all will get to agree on this.
"تم إعلان هذا البوست منطقة حرة لممارسة المراهقة الفكرية بلا تعرض أو اذي كرما لرأي المجهولة العزيزة. خذوا راحتكم و أتمنى أن يفيدكم ذلك في حياتكم التي يبدو أنها تحتاج إلى مثل هذا التنفيس" مع محبّتي :)
a post that plays on a word like "habibi" brought so much hatred, and stupidity your way ya eve. kif law ken post 3an kelmit "toz" aw "kelo khara"... yalla machi! chou bi2oul el matal dakhlik? el walad walad, wel 3adass bi trabo?
you made me think about the way I use the word habibi. I actually take it for granted. I throw it left and right to everybody and everything. Not that I don't mean it, but I don't use it in a "special" way. I value more "hayete" for some reason. I don't say it to everybody.
I loved the post. and here's my contribution:
"ma tez3ale hayete. bchoufik ba3ed kamm chaher habibi ok?"
w chebbak habibi, jallab el hawa hawa habibi, ya awwal hawa ya chamess ghibi, ana w habibi habibi, habibi, habiiiiibi.
haha, sheyef z, some people bi7ajeh ynazro on my blog to prove they exist :)
you're right, "hayeteh" mazloumeh next to habibis. and what about 3omri, 3youni... what about the other person's name itself? sometimes, it's sweeter than all of the others. *sigh* lol, allabet 3a 7aleh el maweje3..
Ohhhh.. I just *love* this "Shami" accent :))))