هنا، ألوذ في هدأة هذا الليل براحةٍ من قيظ النّهار. هنا، أحوك في الفكر خواطر، وأولّد على الشّفة بنات. هنا، ابتسامات حنين ترجّع صدى طفولةٍ نائية، وقصص حبّ طواها الزّمن. هنا، حلمٌ بغدٍ أجمل

خطفت الورقة من أصابعه.
"أخيراً!" قالتها وضحكت.
بصوتٍ عالٍ، قرأت.

"جاء صوت
فمددت يدي وغرفت براحتي خمرا"

سكتت قليلاً.
إلى عينيه الهاربتين، نظرت.
لا تعرف لمَ ضحكتها ارتبكت.
تابعت في المرّة الثّانية.
بصوتٍ خفيضٍ، تابعت.

"احمل صليبي
ولكن لست بالناصري
يقولون أن الله عقد نطفته حراما
زان هو
أيتها الخطيئة الخالدة
أنت أقدم من الوجود
أنا وقطار الليل في توافق نرجسي
يارب تعال إلى قلب طفل لتصبح جميلا"

حاولت أن...
ردّت الخصلة المتمرّدة وراء أذنها.
مدّت إليه بالورقة.
نظراته هنا وهناك.
مبعثرة.. مترقّبة...
هي ونظراته.
كانت تريد أن تقول...
لم تفعل.

تفكّر الآن
كم بدت غبيّة حين


"خطّك جميل"
  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ٧:٣٦ ص, Blogger Laila K said…

    i love it. i could see the expression on her face

  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ١٠:٤٣ ص, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    with poems like that, he's a keeper ;)

  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ٢:٣١ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    محلقة يا حواء

  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ٤:٥٧ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    OMG!! *claps* bravo bravo!!!

  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ٧:٥٣ م, Blogger Maya@NYC said…

    hahahah...ktir helo!

  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ٧:٥٣ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…


    I love your writings, they shine like stars... All of them are special and touch the heart... Now you have one more fan on this big list of yours... I wonder what happened regarding your book, are you going to / did you publish one? You should really do this.. I am sure that many more people will fall in love with your writings like the ones here on your blog(s). Keep on writing and keep it up... Thanks for your comments on my blog..

  • At ١٤/١/٠٧ ١١:٢٦ م, Blogger Eve said…

    ahla bhal talleh :)

    definitely. a real poet ;)

    شكراً ياأستاذ. وبشكرك عالإيمايل. مش نسياه!

    *bowing* merci merci, you're my favorite acid :D

    badda 2atleh 3ala hal 3amleh, mish heik ? :)

    you're very sweet. and have you seen yours? real talent there mister :) about the book, a friend is helping me, but i cant say im in an advanced stage yet, his timetable is not really helping.

  • At ١٥/١/٠٧ ١١:٤٢ ص, Blogger Angelus said…

    Tu c ce que tu devrais faire, eve ??
    Ecrire des histoires et les piéger dans des romans, crois moi, tes lecteurs te seront redevable.

  • At ١٥/١/٠٧ ٥:٤٠ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    blogg gamel we kalamek feh ra2e3


  • At ١٥/١/٠٧ ٨:٠٧ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    قليل من الخمر فى راحة اليدين وقليل من الرقة فى المشاعر كفيلين ان يذيبوا القطب الجنوبى والشمالى واما تلك الكلمات فاخاف ان تذيب كل رجال العالم.

  • At ١٦/١/٠٧ ٨:٥١ ص, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    were and still my favorite arabic read. Beautiful eve. innocent and smart.

  • At ١٦/١/٠٧ ١:١٣ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    بتروح فين الكلمات لما بنحتاجها؟؟

    Cute Cute!

  • At ١٦/١/٠٧ ٣:٤٧ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    u describe details in such a terrific way ,
    your writings capture the essence of the moment,and i praise you for that

  • At ١٦/١/٠٧ ٦:٠٧ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    على عكس لغة الصحافة, لغة الشعر غامضة جمالها في التعقيد والإشكال ولا تفهم على وجه واحد وإنما حمالة أوجه .
    على كل حال
    خطك جميل ..

  • At ١٦/١/٠٧ ١٠:٠٤ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    sigh ... wink .. w shoyet 7'obth keda ;)

  • At ١٧/١/٠٧ ١١:٠٤ ص, Blogger Eve said…

    faudrait me donner un coup de main alors: les acheter peut-etre :p

    moutashakira awi awi, sharraft w anest (god i love using the egyptian accent ;) )

    تأملات ويوميات إنسان،
    ياه إنت هيك عم بتخجلني خالص! شكراً على مرورك، وما تطول الغيبة.

    aya almusa,
    thank you aya, marhaba fikeh

    _z! hamdellah 3al salemeh. 3younak el helween :)

    inti bit2oulili! fein bass fein ;)

    ahlan ya yaser, thank you for reading :)

    هاها، صار لي زمان ما خطّطت بس شكراً،

    moia habibi,
    shwayya bass ;) ?

  • At ١٧/١/٠٧ ٢:١٤ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    كلماتك رائعة اكيد أنك رائعة لتحمل كلماتك جزأ من كينونتك

  • At ١٧/١/٠٧ ٨:٣٠ م, Anonymous غير معرف said…

    Hi Eve,
    Sorry I have not been commenting much since my trip back from Lebnan... I liked your little questionnaire, and since I am not a blogger (could not post on the "Lebanese blogger") I thought I'd post them here... So here are my answers:

    1- Flowers, definitely flowers

    2- Her lips

    3- I always use "habibi / hayate"

    4- No problem, I actually encourage that.

    5- I have been there... talking it over usually works the best.

    6- "Mad about you" the comedy series... it is not a movie but close enough...

    7- "Rudy" ... never give up on your dreams

    8- In a little coffee shop on a rainy day.

    9- I will try anything within my power. This way I won't regret anything by saying "could've, would've or should've"

    10- How deep is her love... it makes me feel humbled

    11- Completeness is the key... In a true relationship where both partners complete each other, not even "el-mahruss" can cause any damage. With support both will overcome the issue. Then, keep in mind there are other parts that we can use... Pleasure is the name of the game...

    12- Un-trustworthy, un-dependable, with no self-confidence

    13- Absolutely... life is too short to be spent being un-healthy.

    14- Absolutely... it is in the package, no one is born perfect, but we can make it perfect by our own standards.

    15- It happens, "I just gotta take
    it with a grain of salt" and not making a big deal out of it. I am sure she will make it up in her own special ways.

    16- Every time I eat out. (mostly at work). I usually come home acting like I am starving and I usually eat whatever she made that day.

    17- Not really, my wife and I have agreed that we will give our kids 2 names (1st name and a middle name) this way we both can use our picks 9it works... I have 2 kids....

    18- Not me, but I have seen some men in similar situation and let me tell you, I did not like it.

    19- Slowly, things gotta be cooked on the slow burner, this way it will taste better knowing that I have built up my hunger for lust.

    20- Nope.

    21- Few months ago, I missed my family, they went on a trip and could not be with them.

  • At ١٨/١/٠٧ ١٢:٤٤ ص, Blogger Eve said…

    ثقتك تعني لي الكثير :)

    i'd recognize you anytime,even if u don't leave a signature :) i enjoyed reading your answer. hope you and the family are doing fine.

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